Marina in the Pyrenees
¡Hola Chic@s!
Some great Spanish for this time of year 🙂
¡Ya toca la vuelta al cole! – It’s time to go back to school!
That’s an expression you hear everywhere in Madrid now as Spanish schools start up again this week here in Madrid.
Tocar is one of those super useful Spanish verbs with many meanings, here are four more common uses:
Tocar un instrumento – To play an instrument (e.g. tocar el piano)
Te toca recoger la mesa – It’s your turn to clear the table
¡Me ha tocado la lotería! – I won the lottery!
¡Te ha tocado la mejor profesora! – You got the best teacher!
Never stop learning!
No matter how long ago we stopped going to school, the learning year really feels like it starts in September, and this is the best time to really make progress with your Spanish.
You can learn far more from our audios and get fluent faster if you combine them with our worksheets. Check out the right pack for your level in our store now.
Un abrazo,
Ben y Marina