Here’s all the fun Spanish slang and cool phrases from today’s video:
Estoy pletórico – I’m full of life, full of energy
He empezado el día con buen pie – I’ve started the day very well/happily
He empezado el día con el pie izquierdo – I got out on the wrong side of the bed
Dime donde enchufo la pasta – Tell me where to send the money
Está como una cabra – She’s acting crazy, she’s really flustered
Estoy como una cabra, he perdido las llaves – I’m going crazy, I’ve lost my keys
Ha perdido el norte – She’s in a real state
He perdido la cabeza – I’m in a real fluster, in a real state
More cool Spanish like this!
There is plenty more cool Spanish like this in all our free Spanish-learning audios! We also highlight this type of phrase specifically in the worksheets for each level (available in our store).
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