March 9th, 2009
I don’t normally post our special newletters here on the blog, but this one is important, so I’d like everyone to read it and, importantly, do what it says to really help you learn more Spanish this week! Here it is:
Here’s THE number one, typical conversation being repeated in a thousand offices around Spain this Monday morning:
“¿Como estás?”
“De Lunes…”
‘De Lunes’ is SO used in Spain on Mondays, and it basically means ‘fed up and moody that the week is starting again’.
Well, I for one REFUSE to feel ‘de lunes’ EVER, no matter what day it is!
(One of my sisters mocks me by calling me ‘Positive Ben’ – make that ‘Ben el positivo’ for the purposes of this newsletter!)
So, Ben el Positivo’s big tip for not being ‘de lunes’ today (or any day this week) is: Do something for your Spanish!
The whole world is basically permanently ‘de lunes’ right now, but we, the Notes in Spanish brigade, are learning Spanish, thereby improving ourselves immensely and ‘tirando para alante’ (steaming forwards) in the process…
So here’s what I want you to do:
Our Spanish friend Isabel is still spending 3 hours a week in the forums at our sister site, correcting your worksheets homework, helping out with your written Spanish and questions, and generally being ‘super-maja’ (really nice).
So, I’ve started a new thread in the forum called “Lo que voy a hacer esta semana para mi español” – ‘What I’m going to do this week for my Spanish.’
I want all of you to take just ONE minute to register for the forum (if you haven’t already) and tell us what you’re going to do for your Spanish this week.
Even if you are a complete beginner, try writing in Spanish (Isabel will be along to help out) and you’ll already be doing something great!
Plus, this will: share ideas, motivate all of us collectively, improve our Spanish, and make sure we are NOT ‘de Lunes’!
Please go here to join in now and share your ideas for getting ahead:
Here’s to the best ‘Spanish Learning Week’ ever!
Saludos desde Madrid,
‘Ben el Positivo’
P.S. 4,000 people are likely to open this email this Monday morning!
How motivating would it be if even just half of you joined in the forum thread with your ideas? PLEASE take a minute to register in the forum (if you haven’t already) and join in, let’s see if we can make this the most responded-to forum post ever!
Don’t be ‘de lunes’! Join in here:
P.P.S. It really is possible to make a HUGE difference to your Spanish in one week. Who else wants to make the jump up a level this week?
P.P.P.S. Everyone who writes in that thread will get a special forum Private Message from me later in the week!
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