We did it! With your help, with 10% of the proceeds from our 2008 winter sale, we reached our 1,000 Euro target for children affected by the Cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe. In fact, we decided to round things up, and used Notes in Spanish funds to raise the total donation to Unicef’s Zimbabwe fund to 1,500 Euros:
As it says on the Unicef website, “Zimbabue está experimentando el peor brote de cólera de los últimos años. Más de 500 personas han perdido la vida, tras el colapso del suministro de agua y de la sanidad. UNICEF trabaja contra reloj para evitar la extensión de la enfermedad y para atender a las familias afectadas.”
Many many thanks again. Finally, we hope to donate 5% of all profits from our company, Notes from Spain S.L. (parent company of Notes in Spanish), to charity in 2009, mainly children’s charities again.
Saludos desde Madrid,
Ben y Marina
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