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Don’t Talk Like This in Spanish!

Today we teach you how to pronounce some key words in Spanish so you get off on the right foot in any conversation!

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Vocab from this video:

Me cuesta – It’s tough

Nos vamos a asar – We’re going to roast (in this heat)

Ben tiene mucho genio – Ben is a bit grumpy

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9 thoughts on “Don’t Talk Like This in Spanish!”

  1. I was once on a tiny wooden ferry boat going across the bay from Cádiz to Puerto when the captain opened his window to us sitting outside on the bow, and shouted “Ola!”. A huge wave was approaching and it could possibly dangerous the way all tourists sat at the front. But of course, we all turned around to the captain and shouted “Hola!” back to him. Only to become soaked by seawater a minute later. ?? The importance of silent Spanish letters was learned.

  2. I love Torstein’s story. I was just thinking about the word ‘agua’ and similar words with ua after the g. They’re pronounced in a kind of semi-guttural way. It’s as if it’s a hard g, as with ‘gol’ but you have to slightly swallow the g. I guess it’s one of those things that native speakers do, but foreigners can’t be expected to, because it is pretty subtle and quite difficult to achieve.

    Thank you and well done Ben and Marina for all your wonderful content. XX

  3. ??Love your story Torstein
    Every day I ask my Spanish neighbour to say ‘Hasta luego’ for me – I still can’t pronounce it like him – but I keep trying ??

  4. In Buenos Aires, Argentina a waiter was asking what sounded to us like: “¿Sin güesos? After much confusion it was determined that he was saying, “¿sin huesos? I was embarrassed.

  5. ¡Otro gran vídeo! El curso de pronunciación me está ayudando mucho.
    Es interesante que “genio” puede significar “una persona muy inteligente” pero también se usa para indicar que está “gruñon” o de mal humor.
    En nuestro reciente viaje por Andalucía (Sevilla, Cádiz y Málaga) notamos algunas otras variaciones interesantes en el idioma.
    Un taxista, cuando le dieron la dirección de nuestro destino, respondió “muy”, en vez de “muy bien”.
    En lugar de “muchas gracias”, aprendí a dejar la “s” y decir “mucha gracia”, a lo que la otra parte respondió “nada” en lugar de “de nada”.
    En lugar de “buenos días”, la gente simplemente nos saludaría con “buen”.
    Y por último, el vendedor de un puesto de verduras del mercado nos regaló un “ta lugo” muy amable al salir con nuestra compra. Supongo que es la abreviatura de “hasta luego”.
    Nos encantan todos los dialectos regionales, ¡pero primero es importante aprender la pronunciación adecuada!

  6. I think the g is gutteral before I and e, but not before the other vowels

  7. Ben and Marina,
    Can you tell me please if you are covering the pronunciation of two vowels together as in “hiato o diptongo “ in your course? Many thanks

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