Categories Our Spanish Learning Videos

Spanish “First Time” and Madrid Classic!

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22 thoughts on “Spanish “First Time” and Madrid Classic!”

  1. I first downloaded “The whole enchilada” many years ago and still refer to the worksheets. As I grow older my discipline to knuckle down to study diminishes, but I can get by quite well after a few days acclimatisation to Spanish. You have a good idea with your “you tubes”. Hope it is paying off.
    Regards Lawrie Ball

    • Hi Lawrie, it’s wonderful to hear you still refer to the Whole Enchilada after all this time, it is a treasure trove of real Spanish! Great you enjoy the videos too, we love making them! Saludos from Madrid, Ben

  2. Me gusta mucho los vídeos, gracias. Domingo, voy a España (Galicia y Asuturias) por una semana y cuando posible, voy a hablar español !

  3. Me gusta mucho los videos y los podcasts tambien. Acabo de escuchar y leer los worksheets intermediate.
    Mis hijos viven en Espana, y por eso intento appended espagnol.
    I was interested to hear that Ben worked for IH. My older son worked for IH in Tarragona until it closed down. He now works at another academy.

    • Hi Rosemary, yes, I worked there when I first came to Spain! Gracias por tu comentario, me alegro de que te gusten los podcasts y videos 🙂 Un saludo desde Madrid, Ben

  4. Wow! I trained as a TEFL teacher at International House in Hastings in 1980. Went to work in Rome, if only I’d chosen Madrid…But teaching led me into guiding a few years later.

  5. I bought the whole enchilada about 3 1/2 years ago and still use them regularly (yesterday as a matter of fact). I’ve been working my way through the transcriptions and worksheets (53 Advanced currently). I have a tutor, other programs I use and intercambios I chat with almost every week but find this program continually useful in my learning journey.

    You mention in this video your first intercambio together. I remember the first time I listened to your first beginning podcast and I understood almost nothing. Now understanding a lot of your advanced series.

    I could have done this in Spanish but wanted potential learners to get inspired. Go for the “whole enchilada” Vale la pena el dinero.

    You guys are fun too! Thanks so much.

  6. Muchas gracias por los videos y vuestra ayuda. Aprendo espanol muy lentamente pero Es me gusta mucho. Saludos de Suffolk U.K.

  7. Quiero inscribirme en el taller en línea, pero el enlace no funciona. ¡Ayuda, por favor! ¡No quiero extrañarlo! 🙂

  8. ¿Cómo funciona el taller ? ¿A qué hora es y cuanto tiempo dura ? ¿Hay que pagar algo ? Gracias de antemano

    • A cualquier hora, mejor verlo el mismo lunes si puedes 🙂 Os mando un email a todos el lunes a primera hora con en link!

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