Estas dos canciones me ponen los pelos de punta – These two songs make my hair stand on end!
(…That’s a great phrase to learn for a start!)
Both by Cuban legend Silvio Rodriguez, the first is the magnificent Ojalá. Check out an original studio version if you like, but there is something electric about the way the crowd take over in this live version:
The lyrics are here if you need them. Plus this is good subjunctive practice! Ojalá (I wish/hope/pray) is always followed by the subjunctive!
For example, the first line, “Ojalá que las hojas no te toquen el cuerpo cuando caigan para que no las puedas convertir en cristal.” – I hope the leaves don’t touch you when they fall, so that you don’t transform them into glass…
The second song is La Gaviota, a personal favourite of Ben’s:
We hope you enjoyed these!