Resistiré 2020, above, is Spain’s very own ‘I will survive’! And it’s great! Over 30 of Spain’s top recording artists – including Alex Ubago, David Bisbal, Efecto Mariposa, Jose Mercé, Manuel Carrasco, Melendi, Rosana, and Vanesa Martín – have joined together, from their homes, to put together this powerful ‘himno‘ (as the Spanish call anthems like this) to help us through these difficult times.
It’s quite fun seeing their living rooms, posters and cork boards too!
Practicing with Spanish songs!
We received this great message and Spanish-learning advice from one of our listeners, Kaitlyn:
“We are in lockdown in New Zealand and we have been practicing Spanish with songs! I’m originally from the US and learning Spanish because my partner is from Madrid. And this week I also discovered Jorge Drexler! We also watched some of his amazing TED Talks.
My other favourite at the moment is El Kanka! It’s really interesting – I think with music I have picked up ‘real’ pronunciation faster because I know the lyrics need to fit into a certain rhythm, instead of reading out syllable by syllable. I really notice it with El Kanka because he sings so fast! A Dieta de Dietas es mi canción favorita cuando cocino! (Lyrics here, video below…)
We have even gone so far as looking up karaoke versions on YouTube and singing along…for some reason I could not stop singing Dejame by Los Secretos:
(Karaoke version here)
…and Aqui No Hay Playa by Los Refrescos too!!”
(Karaoke version here)
Thanks Kaitlyn for the great ideas! Remember, there is more on Spanish music, with more great videos, in Notes in Spanish Advanced Season 3 – Ep.2 – Cantautores .