The above statue was spotted near the Palacio Real by a friend as we walked around Madrid – some witty person has hung a sign around his neck:
‘No tengo ni pa’ ropa’ – with the ‘pa’ being short for ‘para’ to show it is mimicing coloquial speech.
No tengo ni para ropa – I can’t even afford clothes! (Which was clearly a bit of a dark joke in those times of financial crisis…)
More for you to sink your Spanish-learning teeth into…
First of all, 3 useful phrases we’ve come across in the last 24 hours and wanted to share:
¿Qué vamos a hacer para la cena esta tarde? ¿Comemos en casa o en un café? – What are we going to do for supper tonight – eat at home or in a cafe?
Pues, vamos a decidir sobre la marcha. – Well, let’s decide on the go/when the moment arrives.
Tengo un examen esta tarde – I’ve got an exam this afternoon.
Pues ya nos contarás que tal te ha ido – Well you can tell us later on how it went.
Lo que no mata engorda – What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger (when Ben ate some bread with a bit of mould on the crust! This is a very typical Spanish phrase, literally meaning ‘what doesn’t kill you will make you fatter.)
Next up, time for some video revision!
Take a look at our Spanish table manners video again, very important to get this right if you ever eat in Spain!
If you like this video, there are more NIS videos here.
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