Here are 6 of our favourite Q and A’s from our top-end Gold Series. See if you knew the answers:
Q—How do I say “flush the toilet” politely?
A—Tirar de la cadena — Pull the chain (flush). There’s actually no impolite way to say it!
Q—What are some ways to give compliments on food/clothing/etc?
A—There are hundreds! Here are a few great ones below:
Que guapa estás — You look really good.
Que bien te sienta ese (jersey / abrigo) — That (shirt / coat) looks really good on you.
Que buena pinta — It looks delicious (for food).
Huele que alimenta — It smells great (for food).
Q—I’m a mother and I’m always the one who has to interrupt or wrap up chatting with my intercambio on skype; how can I do it without sounding too abrupt?
A—Perdona Sara, me encantaría seguir hablando contigo pero … — Excuse me, Sara, I’d love to keep chatting with you but …
… me tengo que ir a recoger a mis hijos al colegio — I have to pick my kids up from school.
… me tengo que ir al gimnasio / al supermercado — I have to go the the gym / to the supermarket.
… me tengo que ir a preparar la cena — I have to go make dinner.
… me voy a tener que ir — I’m going to have to go.
Q—Should I use “hacer” or “estar” when I’m talking about the weather?
A—When the weather is “doing” something, we use “estar,” except for wind.
Está lloviendo — It’s raining.
Está granizando — It’s hailing.
When it’s the general state, use “hacer.”
Hace bueno — It’s a nice day.
Hace calor — It’s hot.
Exception: Hace mucho viento — It’s very windy.
Q—How can I use “a lo mejor”? It seems to be used a lot.
A—A good translation would be “maybe.”
A lo mejor, te voy a ver esta tarde — Maybe I’ll come and see you this afternoon.
A lo mejor, nos vamos a Londres este verano— Maybe we’ll go to London this summer.
Q—Could you give me an interesting Spanish phrase to write on the front of my recipe book?
A—Está para chuparse los dedos — It’s finger-licking good.
Un minuto de placer en la boca y toda una vida en la cadera — A minute of pleasure in your mouth and a lifetime on your hips.
But the best of all is…
You hear this last one non-stop, for sub-par meals or for example when someone drops a piece of bread on the floor but picks it up, brushes it off and eats it:
¡Lo que no mata engorda! — What doesn’t kill you makes you fatter! …this phrase, accompanied by a shrug, will make you sound super-good at Spanish!
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