Here’s our latest video, with a key ‘analysis’ section in the second half:
Useful vocab and phrases from the analysis section of the video:
Hay una avería – There is a fault / problem (in this case no hot water in the building)
Afeitarse – To shave
Estoy hecho un guarro – I’m ‘a bit rough around the edges’, unpresentable
Vas hecho un guarro – You look a real mess
Tenemos esa inquietud de aprender cosas nuevas – We have the need to learn new things
Estar inquieto – To feel restless
Esperamos que vayáis a ir a por ello – We hope you are going to go for it!
Profe de yoga para embarazadas – Yoga teacher for pregnant women
Doula – Mother who helps pregnant women before, during and after birth
Nos gustaría que vosotros nos contaseis lo que tenéis en mente para mejorar vuestro español – We would like you to tell us what you have in mind to improve your Spanish
Aprovechando que está aquí – Making the most of being here
Remember, the worksheet packs that accompany our audio help you actually SEE the language (just like in the list from the video above), invaluable if you want to learn more Spanish, more quickly.
Head to our store now to check them out:
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