In today’s video, in honour of World Environment Day, Marina brings us up-to-date (nos pone al día) on the ‘Bosque Notes in Spanish’, the Notes in Spanish Forest, which has now been planted, with your help, by the charity FAPAS in Asturias, Northern Spain.
You may remember that the 120 cherry trees, donated by Notes in Spanish using a percentage of the profits from the sale of our ‘Crisis Collection’ pack earlier this year, are there to help feed the endangered brown bear population, and to compensate CO2 emissions. In fact, the trees will absorb 4.5 tonnes of CO2 and produce 2.4 tonnes of fruit per year! Thanks so much again to everyone that bought the ‘Crisis Collection‘ and made this possible.
Context: In the video Marina starts out by telling us about a corner of the Retiro park that looks just like the countryside beyond Madrid, and goes on to talk about how the Notes in Spanish trees have now been planted, the care that has been taken by FAPAS in the way they have been planted, and ends by thanking you all for your help again (also, see the helpful vocab list below):
More vocab from the video:
Las afueras de Madrid – The outskirts of Madrid
La encina – Holm oak
El cerezo – Cherry tree
La supervivencia de los árboles – The survival of the trees
El abono – Fertilizer
El ciervo – Deer
La corzo – Roe deer
Finally… Helping more charities AND your Spanish at the same time:
We will continue to support environmental and children’s charities by donating up to 5% of all Notes in Spanish profits every year to good causes.
Buy a Spanisih-boosting pack from our store now and help more than just your Spanish at the same time!
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