NOTES FROM SPAIN S.L., commercial entity with fiscal code number B-85103026, address: C/ Gral. Alvarez de Castro 41, 1º – 28010 Madrid (Spain), email address [email protected], registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid (The Official Commercial Register) Volume 24,309, book 43, Section 8th, page M-437092 and 1st inscription is the owner of the internet or website domain
The prices of all of the products and services offered through this website are established in euros – €. These prices are subject to taxation which, in accordance with Spanish legislation is applicable to services offered through the internet; particularly, Value Added Tax at 16%, which is applicable to purchases made from Spain and the rest of the European Union. There are no mailing costs due to the fact that materials are delivered electronically.
1.- OBJECTIVE: The objective or purpose of the website is to offer the public an information service for learning and teaching Spanish as a foreign language and the sale, via email, of certain didactic services and products for studying said language, made available to the public by NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L.
2.-COPYRIGHT: The information contained on the present webpage can only be viewed, downloaded and printed by the user for information; it is forbidden to use it for commercial motives without previous written authorization from NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L., who reserve all rights over the same. No licences are awarded for intellectual propery rights regarding or third party content.
The NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. customer or user is not authorised to resell, nor make copies which are not for personal use, nor change in any way, nor distribute, nor publish any product or information acquired from the web page, audio files, or logotypes, photographs, drawings, commercial brands, nor any other contents obtained through the web page. Nor will he/she be able to grant permits of this kind to any other person.
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3.- BROWSING AND CONTRACTING: Browsing the present website implies the unreserved acceptance on the part of the user of the contents of each and every one of the General Conditions such as the Privacy Policy. Also the contracting of the services offered through this website imply the acceptance on the part of the user of each of every one of the terms included in the General Conditions, which are incorporated in the contract subscribed to by both parties. If the user does not accept the applicable terms of the General Conditions and/or the Privacy Policy they should refrain from browsing the website.
4.- ACCESS: Access to the Internet domain is free for the general public. However some of the services and products offered through the web page are subject to payment of the price stipulated specifically for each of them. The price of each service or product not offered free of charge will be determined and detailed during the contracting procedures of the same.
5.- USER REGISTRATION: Navigation of the web page for general use does not require the user to register on the page.
Those visitors who wish to contract services and products offered by NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. as well as Newsletter will need to register.
6.- CUSTOMER/USER DATA: All of the information provided by the user through the website must be accurate. On completing forms for the acquisition of products and services offered by NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. the user guarantees the authenticity of all data and information given to NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. Consequently, the user is exclusively responsible for any false or incorrect information given to NOTES SPAIN, S.L. or to third parties through the website.
7.- PAYMENT: The payment for services offered by NOTES FROM SPAIN S.L. will be made by the customer using the media and payment services offered and provided for this purpose by Paypal; either by credit card or through the creation of a user account on the aforementioned website. During the proceedings for the purchase of products and services offered, NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. will signal to the user when they are required to access the web page PayPal, in order to complete the process for the acquisition of the desired services, paying through the aforementioned website.
In this way the user consents to and unequivocally accepts, without reservation, the role of PayPal as an intermediary in the payment process, or as an administrator for the collection of payment for products acquired on this website; and declares expressly and unreservedly the understanding and honourable acceptance of the conditions of use of this payment method and the privacy policy which has been established by PayPal.
The use of the system of payment referred to is absolutely necessary for the fulfilment and the correct carrying out of each and every purchase agreement and/or use of services between the user and NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L., except in the case of Schools, who may be allowed to pay by cheque for purchases over 100 Euros.
8.- USE OF THE WEBSITE: The user of the present website must make appropriate and ethical use of the same at all times, according to the law, to the rules established in the these general conditions, enforced by law commonly accepted as good custom. Each user should act diligently and prudently at all times.
The user must not use this website for purposes that may be illicit or detrimental to the legitimate rights and interests of NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. and/or any other persons or entities, nor for purposes that are violent, racist, that compromise gender equality, seek to harm minors and/or young people, which may imply a health risk and/or a physical risk to other users, that may be insulting, slanderous, discriminatory, offensive, degrading, dangerous, pornographic, which undermine intellectual or industrial copyright, the right to fairness, to personal or familial privacy, the image of third parties, nor for promotional or advertising purposes whether for oneself or third parties.
The user must not falsify his/her identity, nor try to pass for another person, or representatives or employees from NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L.; and must not request or collect personal information related to other users.
In a case in which a user detects a third party committing any illegal act through the web page, or in any way violating these general conditions, NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. strongly encourages the user to immediately notify the occurrence of said action, specifying the particular violation detected to the email address [email protected].
NOTES FROM SPAIN S.L. is not obliged in any way to monitor the use that users make of NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. is not obliged to guarantee, and does not guarantee under any circumstances that users make ethical use of the present website according to the law and in accordance with the rules established in the general conditions. As such NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. does not take responsibility for possible damage caused by the actions of users in relation to this web page to other users or any third parties. Each user is exclusively responsible for the use he/she makes of this website, as well as for the contents that he/she might store, display or make available by it.
9.- MINORS: Access by minors to the website requires prior consent on the part of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who have the obligation to monitor and in this case restrict the access of minors to contents and materials in the websites they visit. Parents, guardians and legal representatives of those minors who visit the website are directly responsible for each and every act carried out on the part of minors in their care. There are no areas of restricted access prohibited for people under the age of eighteen (18) on this website.
10.-RESPONSIBILITY: NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. is not responsible for possible harm users could suffer as a consequence of interference, delays, omissions, interruptions, viruses, breakdown, failures or overload on lines, broken connections, blocks or delays in the functioning of the electronics; nor as a consequence of the possible damage caused by third parties through illegal tampering.
This website provides links to websites which are considered of interest to users. With no intended prejudice, there is no guarantee of the quality of those links, nor any assumption of responsibility for the contents of these. Any user using external links does so exclusively at his/her responsibility.
11.-SPANISH LEGISLATION: The present general conditions are governed by the Spanish legislation applicable at any given moment; regarding in particular its validity, interpretation and/or execution.
In the case of a possible contradiction between the English and Spanish versions of the present General Conditions, the Privacy Policy, or of any other clause or condition which regulates the legal relationship between NOTES FROM SPAIN, S.L. and the users of the website, the Spanish version will prevail.
Both parties agree to submit to the Court of Madrid (Spain), for the resolution of any discrepancy, controversy or vicissitude that might arise in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of these general conditions, expressly renouncing any other code of law that could correspond to him/her.