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Unstoppable Fruteria Shops! Our Latest Spanish Learning Video!

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Ben and Marina discover that although a lot of shops are going out of business in their neighbourhood, fruit and veg shops continue to open continuously and thrive!

Vocab and phrases from the ‘Analysis’ section

Los pequeños comercios – Local shops / small businesses
Están cerrando sus puertas – They are going out of business
Grandes almacenes – Superstores
¿Qué te contó la dueña? – What did the owner tell you?
Hola, ¿qué me cuentas? – Hi, what’s new?
No suele estar lo suficientemente madura – It (the fruit) doesn’t tend to be ripe enough
Está un poco entera /un poco verde – It’s a bit unripe
5 raciones de fruta al dia – 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day
Una ración – Like a big tapa, a big plateful of ham for example
Un racimo de uvas – A bunch of grapes
Las generaciones mas mayores – The older generations
Los mayores – Older people
“Mis viejos no me dejan ir a la discoteca” – My parents won’t let me go to the disco (very informal/teenager only!)

Update: Gold Season Two, as mentioned in the video, is now available as a complete season pack in our store:

Get the Gold Season Two Complete Pack Here.

Saludos desde Madrid,

Ben y Marina

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