Day 24 of the Spanish sponsored podcast marathon to help raise money for charities in India and the UK. Click here for more info on this charity series.
Today’s Notes – Weather vocab… Phrases for saying it’s cold: Hace un frio que pela. Hace un frio que te mueres. Hace un frio que corta el cutis (old-fashioned). Hace un frio que te cagas (uncouth!!). Un copo de nieve – snowflake. Un temporal (de frio) – storm/perod of severe weather. Una ola de frio/de calor – cold spell/heatwave. Hay ventisca – here’s a blizzard. Agua-nieve – sleet. La sierra esta nevada – the mountains are covered in snow. ¡Que se escapa el gato! – Don’t let the warmth out!
This morning Marina called me ‘un paleto!’ Why? Because to ask directions I said ‘¿Pa’ la catedral?’ instead of ‘¿Para la catedral por favor?’ Oh well!