¡Hola! This is Ben and Marina from Notes in Spanish, creators of the world’s first Spanish-learning podcasts. With over 40 million downloads so far, we’ve helped tens of thousands of Spanish learners to get fluent and confident in the real, authentic Spanish that is impossible to acquire from a textbook or big-name app.
We know that getting to a high level of Spanish fluency, to get off the endless ‘language-learning plateaus’ and away from ‘Spanish brain-freeze’, can be really frustrating at times – Ben’s been there with Spanish and Marina with English – but through Ben’s journey to total Spanish fluency, and Marina’s native-speaker Spanish, we’ve helped enthusiastic independent learners like you worldwide to get amazing results….
Ben and Marina are gifted teachers, and they conscientiously consolidate vocab and grammar at all levels. I decided to trust them to do this, and they do! My confidence has shot up along with my speaking ability (like osmosis, really!
But there’s one thing we’ve always dreamed of…
We’ve often dreamed of a creating a private community – a VIP “Real-Spanish Club” where we can consistently offer the kind of deep, insider knowledge of Spanish and Spanish-speaking culture that you only get when you live and breathe real-life Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country.
The straight-from-the-streets words, phrases, idioms, culture, and ‘behind the scenes’ real-life Spanish that native speakers actually use every day – the authentic Spanish that let’s you really know what’s going on in the Spanish-speaking world, really understand Spanish speakers, and interact fluently and confidently at a much deeper, far more genuine level – the same way you interact in your own language!
And we’ve dreamed of a place where we can offer personalised coaching guidance and motivation on how best to overcome learning obstacles and really jump up to the next level with your Spanish.
We’ve been turning this idea around in our heads for years, unsure quite how to give you better access to all our deepest Spanish-speaking and Spanish-culture secrets… until now, when everything has fallen into place…
¡Por fin, hemos encontrado la clave! – At last, we’ve found the key!
We’ve found a way to organize and share everything we know you need to transform your Spanish – so that you are brimming with Spanish-speaking confidence, so you are totally ‘in the know’ when it comes to Spanish language and Spanish-speaking and understanding in real life.
So it’s with ‘una emoción tremenda’ – enormous excitement – that we invite you into…
The exclusive Notes in Spanish Inner Circle Membership is…
A private, subscription-based online community and Real-Spanish learning experience for real ‘amantes del español’ – Spanish-lovers – like you, where we share exclusive real Spanish content and learning secrets that will speed you along to the very best, fluent, Spanish-speaking life you can imagine.
You’ll be getting more access to Ben, Marina, and our incredible Madrid-based pro-Spanish NIS Coaching Team than you’ll ever get in our podcast courses. We’ll be sharing our newest, most in-depth material that you won’t be able to get anywhere else. This is going to be the most valuable, friendly, and fluency-boosting Spanish-learning experience on the internet.
So, what exactly is inside the Inner Circle?
¡Aquí está! Here it is! All the amazing content you’ll enjoy inside the Inner Circle…
>>> Inner Circle-Only Videos – Behind the scenes/insiders guide videos in Spanish from Ben and Marina, about “Real Spanish Life”, packed with our trademark straight-from-the-streets Spanish. Your real Spanish language and cultural knowledge will get so deep you’ll feel totally ‘in the know’ in real-life Spanish-speaking situations. These “unlisted” private videos are ‘Inner Circle Only’ and won’t be available anywhere else on the internet. (Real-world value: $200 a month)
>>> Monthly themes (Travel, food, culture, fluency, music…) with discussions, exclusive videos, and challenges, so you feel fully confident to chat about and understand Spanish on a huge variety of really interesting topics. (Real-world value: $100 a month)
>>> ‘Virtual cafe’ Monthly Zoom Q and A with Ben and Marina and the talented teachers from our NIS Coaching Team – Every month Ben and Marina and our coaches will host a special Inner Circle Zoom call where we answer your most pressing questions and have mini-chats with Inner Circle members. (Real-world value: $100 a month)
>>> Discussion questions with corrections from our Coaching team– These really get your Spanish flowing, and if you request it, you’ll get kind and super-useful corrections from our coaching team, to keep both your Spanish fluency and accuracy headed for real confidence and fluency. (Real-world value: $100 a month)
>>> Grammar tips and exercises from our Coaches – Head-coach Ariadna has found the winning formula to make Spanish grammar learning – wait for it – fun and interesting! These regular tips will keep your grammar in tip-top condition without the usual Spanish grammar mental meltdowns, so you flow better and make fewer mistakes in real life situations. (Real-world value: $100 a month)
>>> Private “Inner Circle” Community – Your private Spanish-learning world, a place for sharing, guidance, questions, support, and masses of inspiring enthusiasm from us, our Coaching team, and fellow Inner Circle members. This is the most valuable, exclusive, Spanish-confidence and fluency-boosting community on the net. There’s nowhere else on the internet to get such close access and guidance from Ben, Marina and our coaching team. (Real-world value: $300 a month)
>>> Ben and Marina language coaching tips – Short videos and posts on how to learn better so you reach full Spanish fluency much, much faster. We have 17+years experience helping people learn Spanish much more efficiently with our learning secrets. (Real-world value: Invaluable!)
>>> Watch parties and Culture- We pick a carefully curated, high-quality Spanish movie, series or documentary each month to watch and discuss in the community, plus share great Spanish songs, poems and more, boosting your Spanish-cultural depth, language, understanding, and enjoyment of this wonderful language! (Real-world value: $50 a month)
>>> Chance to join ‘In real life’ get-togethers in Spain – Early-bird registration for our live ‘in Spain’ events before invitations are made public. These have limited space and always fill fast – you’ll be first to know.
Want a quick tour inside? Watch this!
So what’s the investment to join the Notes in Spanish Inner Circle now?
Real-world value: if you add up all the real-world value of the amazing content we’ve listed above, you can see that everything we’re offering is worth over $1000 per month real-world value! Despite the incredible value of this membership, we initially decided to set the price at $197 a month…
But for a very limited time, we’ve decided to make the crazy decision to offer a very special ‘Inner Circle’ price of less than half that rate. We’re offering this exclusive membership today for just…
$97 per month – with 7 Day Free Trial!
(or £87 / 97 € per month depending on your country)
You’ll be locked in at that price for life, even when we come to our senses!
With private Spanish classes running at up to and over $50 an hour, that’s an insane deal! No private tutor can deliver a fraction of the depth of real Spanish experience, language, enthusiasm, guidance and global community you’ll be getting from us and our coaching team every month!
“I did consider the cost very carefully. However I realised that until recently when she moved away, the cost of my Spanish teacher’s lessons was much greater. I think the ‘Inner Circle’ is money well spent and an excellent and motivational resource. Thanks Ben and Marina” – Sely
NOW WITH A 7 DAY FREE TRIAL! – Just for you, our most valued Notes in Spanish Students! Try the Inner Circle for 7 Days on us, and if you cancel before day 7, you won’t be charged!
[On a recent trip to Spain] I was asked many times while I was there “Where did you learn to speak such good Spanish?”
I like the camaraderie, the ability to have discussions with members in the Inner Circle, learning about the places where members in the group live, learning everyday Spanish. It’s helped me acquire greater understanding and skill with my Spanish.
“But I’ve got so many other Spanish learning materials to work through and so little time”…
We totally understand – you’re probably working through our podcasts, maybe using one of the big-name apps alongside it, you’re probably wondering how on earth you’d fit everything inside the Inner Circle into your life as well?
Here’s the thing – no course on the internet can give you the kind of life-changing confidence and deep knowledge you’ll be getting of real Spanish and real Spanish life over the coming months.
The confidence that lets you walk into any Spanish-speaking city and just know what’s going on – so you know how to talk to people in shops, in bars, people you bump into in the street – so you know just what they are saying… so you just know why Spanish speakers live they way they do, eat, drink and act the way they do, and you just know how to behave in any situation so you totally fit in, and always say the right thing at the right time – so you never feel out of place with Spanish speakers, and never look or sound like a tourist.
The Inner Circle membership goes beyond every other teaching material offered by us or anyone else to put you ‘in the know’ when it comes to real-life Spanish, to develop a confidence and fluency that is, frankly, unbeatable. After you join, cancel everything else because the Inner Circle is where your Spanish is finally going to take off.
That’s what we’ll be teaching and sharing in the inner circle, all with the Spanish-loving community and careful, personal guidance from Ben, Marina, and our coaching team that you can’t get anywhere else.
To quickly rise to the kind of Spanish-speaking and understanding confidence we’re talking about, we think you can’t afford NOT to be in the Inner Circle. You can dip in and out as often as you like – no pressure at all – even just a little of the ‘real Spanish’ insider knowledge and experience we’ll be sharing could change your Spanish-speaking life forever.
“But is this right for my level of Spanish?”
Whatever you level, The Inner Circle is perfect for just where you are on your Spanish-learning journey.
As well as all the interesting, Spanish-boosting, Real Spanish content we’ll be providing – so you’ll always learn new, authentic, impress-the-locals Spanish, whatever your level – you’ll be enjoying two key things:
1. A really supportive community where you’ll be getting all your questions about learning Spanish answered, so you never feel stuck, you’ll overcome frustrations, benefit from shared knowledge and experience, and you’ll always know how to move up to the next level.
2. Personalised Coaching Advice from Ben and Marina tailored exactly to your level, giving the exact guidance, inspiration and motivation you need right now to move up to the next level.
We’ve designed this to make your journey to confidence and fluency much, much easier, and to make your Spanish more real, usable and authentic, no matter what your level!
“Does this go with your other courses, e.g. The Whole Enchilada or Inspired Beginners?”
Absolutely! It’s ideally suited to accompany all our other courses. You’ll be able to ask us questions about anything you don’t understand or need help with from our other courses, audios and videos, and get personalised coaching advice when you hit difficulties or want to know how to jump up to the next level.
You can really improve your fluency in producing Spanish by writing to and commenting with us on Inner Circle posts – it’s an amazing way to bring all your new Spanish to the forefront of your mind, ready to use in real life.
And more than anything, you’ll get support and enthusiasm from us, and from fellow learners overcoming the same challenges as you.
Plus there’s Zero Risk with our DOUBLE Guarantee
Guarantee 1: 30-Day Full Money-Back Guarantee
Dig in to your Inner Circle membership and we absolutely guarantee you’ll learn a huge amount of Spanish from us, but if you aren’t happy, then neither are we, so we offer a full 30-day refund for your first payment if you decide this isn’t right for you. Plus you can cancel your monthly or yearly membership any time down the line by emailing us at [email protected]
We are so convinced that this membership will help you significantly improve your Spanish, that we are absolutely DELIGHTED to offer you this 100%, 30-Day total money-back guarantee.
Guarantee 2: Full Support for Fluent Success
Our support is Guaranteed. Learning Spanish can have its tricky moments – if you’ve got any questions about how to make the most of your Inner Circle membership to improve your Spanish, just email us and our support team and coaches will set you on the right track to faster fluency again
We’ve helped thousands of learners reach full Spanish fluency and confidence, and we really care about you getting there too – that’s why we offer so much support and such a strong double-guarantee.
…But the only thing guaranteed not to help your Spanish is ignoring this amazing Inner Circle membership today. So…
If you have any questions about the membership:
just email us here, or send us a WhatsApp at:
+34 684 15 72 07
We’re delighted to help!
© Notes in Spanish